Our Friends

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tag! (smaller)

Here is a short little tag that you can use to post whenever you don't feel like writing a big, long, thing!

1. If you could rewind time, when would you rewind it to?
~I would rewind time back to my old school because I miss all my friends too much!!

2. Are you scared about talking in front of the class?
~No, unless there is a big crowd.

3. What is you most-recent friend memory?
~last night I went to a concert with my friend.

4. Favorite Color:

5. Now that you have answered 4 little teeny questions, what are you going to do with your life now?
~I am going to publish this post, and then go get ready for school before my mom gets mad.

I Tag:

(since this is 10 Peas first tag, I tag everyone!)



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